S.S. Tire Süt Müstahsilleri Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi

Digitalization and IoT Solutions for S.S. Tire Süt Kooperatifi

S.S. Tire Süt Müstahsilleri Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi

S.S. Tire Süt Müstahsilleri Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi



Project Date


Project Summary

For S.S. Tire Milk Cooperative, we developed not only a website, but also a comprehensive solution that digitizes all processes of the cooperative. Within the scope of the project, features that can perform many online operations such as content management, SEO, social media integration, e-commerce and partner management were added. Website Solutions: In addition to promoting the cooperative's services and products, the website provides a structure to meet the needs of members and customers. With e-commerce integration, users can easily purchase products, while the content management system makes it easy to update news, events and announcements. IoT and Point Purchase Milk Tracking System: With the IoT-based application developed, partners' milk purchase processes were digitalized. When a member pours his/her milk on the scale, his/her personal information and milk quantity are instantly entered into the system. In this way, the cooperative was able to manage milk purchase data accurately and quickly. Market and Stock Management Application: With the market application developed for managers, point purchase status could be easily monitored. Thanks to the barcode scanning feature, product stock information was quickly accessed, making operational processes more efficient. Meat Integrated Facility Management: In meat integrated facilities, operations from raw meat purchase to all processing processes were managed digitally with work orders. Employees and managers were instantly informed with the production planning mobile application, Bluetooth integration and thermal printer support. With this project, S.S. Tire Milk Cooperative has become a pioneer of digitalization in the sector. Thanks to our digital solutions, operational efficiency increased, errors were minimized and customer/partner satisfaction was maximized. We are proud to take part in the project and contribute to the cooperative's digital transformation journey.